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My Favourite Feature: Isolating Data by Path - Ft. Sarah Hargreaves

Join Sarah as she talks through how to isolate data by path and why she love this feature in particular in FTK 8.0. This feature allows investigators to narrow down the amount of data they have to review, decreasing the time spent per case.

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My Favourite Feature: Smart Grid - Ft. Christine Hall

Join Christine as she talks through why FTK 8.0’s Smart Grid feature is her favourite.

Smart Grid is revolutionizing filtering in digital forensic investigations. It’s more than a filter, it a visual and adaptive way to help you identify pattern or quickly identify lines of enquires. For example, quickly identify that a high volume of calls across multiple devices to one number and what other suspect should be investigated because of these activities.

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My Favourite Feature: Custom Filters - Ft. Jon Cook

Join Jon as he talks through why he loves using custom filters in FTK 8.0.

Exterro FTK helps automate the case building, keyword searching and exports, but every examiner has their stock first 10 stages of any exam of a computer. Therefore, the creation of custom filters allowing investigators to tailor their FTK to each of those first 10 stages with a single click, is amazing time saver. Never mind the ability to then deliver a 'top ten ' data items for review, saving investigators even more time per case.

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My Favourite Feature: Mobile Chats - Ft. Dana Gurski

Tuesday, May 7th 2024

3:00 PM - 3:30 PM BST

Dana Gurski as she talks through how to mobile chats are her favourite feature in FTK. The recent FTK 8.0 update has lead to the mobile chat feature being much improved. Focus in and analyse the messages in a variety of ways depending on your investigative needs. Easily isolate a conversation, select messages, bookmark, view attachments, or search and review my hits.

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